Kent Heritage Festival
PCMGVs have a booth at the Kent Heritage Festival to pass out seeds and information regarding the Portage Garden Help Line and upcoming MGV events. More information can be found here: Kent Area Chamber.
Portage County Randolph Fair Info Table
Portage County Master Gardener Volunteers have a booth at the Portage County Randolf Fair. Dates vary but are typically held during the third or fourth week of August. Hands on activities for the children and fair goers. Educational handouts are available on current gardening topics, you may stop by and ask gardening questions, as well as get PCMGV. Information on the fair can be reached here: Randolph Fair.
SWCD Tree Sale
The Portage County Soil and Water Conservation District has an annual tree sale in April. The sale provides an opportunity for Northeast Ohio landowners to purchase native plants at wholesale prices. MGVs help package and organize the tree sale each year. Additional information on the sale can be found here: Portage SWCD Tree Sale.